About basicsoldering.com

Welcome to my website. Here you’ll find basic soldering projects. I’ll post easy and fun soldering projects starting with the clothespin theme. Right now you can see the LED-Brooch clothespin and the Christmas edition. (Christmas LED-clothespin).

Keep an eye on our playlist on Youtube

This site is possible because of visitors like you! So please feel free to use and copy these projects. All I ask is that you give credit to this site by linking or sharing. Thank you!

Want to participate? Or do you have a suggestion? Contact me at: pjotr@basicsoldering.com or leave a comment below.

I’ve another project where I collect Mnemonic-devices.com


Please be careful and use common sense when working on these projects. Use and wear protective measures like safety glasses. Use proper ventilation when soldering etc etc. I won’t be responsible for accidents….. That said I wish you a lot of small mistakes to learn from….