'clothespin LED-brooch

Brooch clothespin RGB-LED

Make a brooch with a RGB-LED from a clothespin / clothes peg.
No soldering experience needed. Follow these simple steps.


Used materials:

  • clothes pin / clothes peg (old style wooden peg)
  • 2 strips of copper tape width 6mm length 7 & 8cm
  • 3mm RGB slow flash LED, 3v
  • a 2mm neodymium magnet
  • some glue (I prefer strong gel type, dries in 24hrs)
  • a cr2032 3v button battery
  • some flux / rosin will help soldering on the metal of the pin
  • and of course a soldering iron with some solder, and other tools….


The copper tape on the legs of the peg conducts electricity from the battery to the LED. Notice that I use the metal of the spring to conduct the current too, by putting the copper tape in one slot under the metal spring.
The battery has a positive and a negative side. Often the positive side is marked with a ‘+’ sign. The LED also has a positive leg (long) and negative leg (short). By sliding the battery the positive side connects to the copper tape on the leg, closing the loop, which conducts the current to the leg of the LED.
You can check if the LED works by pushing the battery in between the legs. If it doens’t work try to put the battery the other way around in between the legs of the LED. That way you can always find out which size of leg is negative or positive.

Step by step instructions

basic soldering project: Clothespin LED brooch
Peal of a small part of the back of the 7cm copper tape
Stick the copper tape on the peg, start below the slot of the metal spring
Stop here and turn the peg around
Add a dot of glue on the end of the peg
Pick up the neodymium magnet with plastic tweezers
Drop it on the glue
Wrap the rest of the copper tape gently around the magnet
Peal of the back of the 8cm copper tape
Start on the inside of the peg
Wrap it around to the outside, include the slot
Wiggle the tape a bit in the slot with a needle or small screwdriver
Assemble the clothespin. Be careful not to damage the copper tape in the slot. It should look like this…
and this
and this….
Optional Flux
Apply just a bit of flux to the metal spring
Heat the flux and add some solder
The RGB LED has a long and short leg. Long is the anode positive + side, short is the cathode negative – side. You can check if the LED works by pushing the battery in between the legs.
Bend the legs of the LED 90 degrees, use small pliers
Cut the the long leg, leave approximately 5mm (or half if the width of the clothespin)
Result, long has become short and short became long 😉 The short leg still remains the negative side and vice versa.
Solder the 5mm leg (positive anode) of the LED to the metal spring, keep the LED in the middle
Solder the other (cathode negative) leg, to the copper tape
Get the button battery cr2032, check the marking for the plus side
Insert the battery, negative side to the magnet, slide through until it makes contact and the LED burns.
'clothespin LED-brooch
Wear it on your shirt 😉

More to follow soon….
In the meantime check my youtube channel


